2nd Trip To Doughton


Pictures and Stories from



Doughton Park NC.


On this trip Lee and I take Harold Yount.  This is Harold's 1st backpacking trip without the Boy Scouts.  Harold is an accomplished Eagle Scout and we are glad to have him on our trip.  Harold will have many stories to tell in years to come about his camping adventures.

  We are resting after we get our camp set up.


Saturday Morning Feb 6, 1988 10:30am

And "Smoke Gets in my Eyes"  Lee Harold and myself are at Doughton Park.  And guess who farts worse than I do?  Yeap, Harold.  He starts out getting up like a gentleman and walking about 20 feet away from camp.  The next thing you here is a big whoosh!  Then there goes Lee with his big burps and Harold with his big farts.  

The temperature got down to about 15 degrees last night.  I do think that we all slept very good last night.   Oreo is basking in the sun we are getting ready for a four mile hike up to Caudell Cabin.  Later Alligator!


During our trip Harold is crossing a creek with the rest of us and falls in. He is sitting beside the creek and we are trying to think of some way to get his clothes dry.  Below I will put in the entry from our Journal just as we interrupted it on that day. 

 Harold comes up with the idea to get his sterno can out and tries to dry his pants this way.  It takes forever and they still do not get dry.




Saturday  5:30pm

Lee and myself are versed in self-confidence from the years of backpacking we have.  We have just found out that this is Harold's first expedition in the woods outside of the Boy Scouts.   Well he did find until he decided the hike was getting to boring.  So he made the biggest fart and knocked himself off balance and fell in the Caudle Creek butt first.  Well, needless to say we didn't make it to Caudill Cabin.  Between the 45 minutes that it took to dry Harold out and the 30 minute it took him to get last night's dinner out, we did not have much time left for hiking.  Besides Lee was playing the motherly figure and said "Ok we need to get Harold beside a fire so he can dry out.  O-well maybe next time."  He pulls his Sterno out in the middle of the trail, sheds his wet pants and attempts to dry them.  He has a pair of those Farmer type full body  Red Long-johns on underneath.  The type with a flap in the back.  It is quite a funny site.  All of a sudden here comes a guy and a girl up the trail.  Harold is looking for a place to hide.  None to be found.  Harold just stands there with and innocent smile on this face.

So on the way back when Lee and I just breeze across the creeks, not Harold.  At each creek he finds a log to sit on and scoots across on his butt.  No more rock jumping for Harold on this trip.

Below is the creek and area that he fell.  Sorry, I did not have the camera going when he fell.


We are all waiting for Dinner to finish.  Oreo, Harold, myself and Lee.


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