


Pictures and Stories from



In February of 1983  four guys, Raymond Lewis, Steve Pope, Arnold Watt and Jim Campbell, out of work, out of luck or out of school embarked on a weekend camping trip.  Little did we know what we were into or what it would lead too twenty plus years later.  When we got to the Campbell Christmas Tree Farm in Surry County it started snowing.  Arnold decided that he could not afford to be snowed on on Sunday so he left to go home or he just wasn't manly enough for wintercamping.  This left the three of us, Steve, Raymond and myself.  On Saturday morning we had 8" of snow.  Of course at 6:00am in the morning Ray and I had to listen to Steve singing Riders on the Storm at the break of Dawn.  He had stayed up all night long because of some truck driving pills he had taken and he decided that he was going to chop wood at 6:00 am We ended staying our here until the following Tuesday when we could finally get out.  These pictures below are from this original Manly Man Winter Camping Trip before it was ever named that.


Our Home away from home.   I don't think they make tents like this any more.  This was taken just aver we woke up in the morning.







Steve and Ray watching the fire.  Steve is in the Red Hat.  Notice the pile of wood behind him.  We were ready for more snow.





 The field off from where we were camping.  We had to trek across this field and through the trees in order to find some of the provisions we would need to survive this weekend.





Steve and I around the fire.  Notice our cloths trying to dry out.  I think they burned.


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Last modified: January 20, 2010