Pictures and Stories from
Grayson Highland State Park, VA.

It started out as 6 people in two cars. Lee and I in one
car and Harold Y. Arlie Brewer, Super Dave Snyder and Sandor "Bubba" McSwaim in
another. And it happened somewhere in Wilkesboro. We got separated.
They were not real sure where they were going. At this point I did not
think that I would see them again until I got back home to Statesville on
Sunday. On the ride up Lee and I stopped off at Moonshine Inn. It
has a fantastic view of the mountains above Wilkesboro. While there Lee
decides that he is going to buy his wife this small pair of black leather thong
underwear. On the front of them they are embroidered with the logo for the
Moonshine Inn.
We arrive at the trail head about 8:15 and with a 45 minute
night hike we arrive at our first camp about 9:00pm. It is cold and Lee
gets our fire going real soon. We will have to set up camp by what little
light we have. The other guys have Saturday dinner so Lee and I are a
little worried about what we are going to do for dinner. At one
point in the evening we thought that the other guys had found us. About 3
hikers passed through about 11:00pm. As I am continuing to write about the
adventures of the day I hear someone else on the trail and then all of a sudden
someone hollers out "You better be writing your Obituary" Hey the
guys did make it after all. I guess Lee and I will have supper after all
on Saturday night. Of course they were not to happy with us but I guess
they will get over it.
On Saturday our day started about 8:00am with Lee the Fireman
getting a fire going to warm our bones.
After we broke camp we were off to Massy Gap and then onto Rhoderdean Gap
then on to Scales were we searched and searched for water. After we
finally found water we headed off to Second Peak, a portion of the AT and then a
side trip to Mount Rogers

After our Side trip to Mount Rogers it was time to
search for a place to setup camp. As you can see from this pictures and
the big picture above this area is like a big Tundra with big open spaces and
not a lot of woods to offer any shelter from the winds. The area is
absolutely beautiful and is home to many free roaming wild ponies.
Dave found us an awesome campsite off of the trail. We
spent our last night up here with a wonderful sunset as seen below. On
Sunday our trip ended with some chocolate pie that Arlie's mom made for us and a
cold beer.

I think by the end of the weekend everyone had forgot that they had gotten
lost earlier.