Pictures and Stories from 2002
Wilson Creek Backpacking Area It seems like it has been a long time since we were all together. It is a different world that we live in know from last year. We will be plagued by different thoughts for years to come due to the events of Sept 11. At this years AMMWCT we had a few surprises for the year. First of all
Mark Martin is back after 2 years away. Raymond Lewis is back after a four
year hiatus and for the first time brought the second generation of Manly Men to
the campout. He brought Richard and Phillip. We also saw Kurt for
the first time in 5 or 6 years. I wore this old wig that I had, and at times,
it confused many of the guys around the fire. They are not used to seeing
me with this much hair.
On Friday we had some very beautiful weather. The sky was wonderful all day so we decided to set out in search of a possible new place to camp. Our adventure took us to another road in this wilderness, one that we had yet to explore. We did not know were we were going or how far it would take us. We we were done we had traveled 40 miles and it took us 3 hours and we still did not find a place worth of being called the next Annual Manly Man Winter Camp Site. That night Tim Fraser and I did wings and this time I did not create the famous Fireball. Then that night we did a night hike up to the Cliffs. On Saturday when we got up it started raining and some freezing rain. I
guess yesterday was too good to be true all weekend. We all hustled to get
the tarp up to keep things dry. Thanks to Morris Abercrombie who brought a
trailer load of wood from home.
This year Morris was responsible for the apparel. The group decided on Black North Face Windbreakers. Once he received them he had them embroidered with our logo. They look great. In fact we are using the design from the Elder Jackets as our design for the logo of the Web-site.
Other Entries from the Book The boys from Garner came back this year. As usual we had an awesome time. But know it is time to go back to the real world Kurt Reichstein Back once again and once again we had
rain. Not to bad this time. We should all be professionals at
staying dry now.
Morris made this Official by celebrating way too much. We also had one other celebrator on the trip that celebrated too much. I will keep his identity confidential. All in All I am proud of my status and will do everything possible to complete my duties as an Elder. Thanks Jim Corry Fox One of the earliest starts for Jim and myself. I was in Statesville by 8:15. Jim said no stops till we get there. We arrived at the Dead End about 11:30. Very Few people here and it was real nice to have the camp to ourselves for a little while. Our usual setup with tents and cooking gear. On Saturday my day began as usual, getting the fire going by 8:15. It rained all day but we kept going. Lee Head The Deer Jerky Story A group of us were standing around under the rain tent, we were all working on dinner and we were getting quite hunger. At one point in the cooking stage, Lee and Cameron were side my side and some of us had been passing some Jerky around during the day. Cameron Fraser handed Lee a foil pouch and asked him if he wanted a piece of Jerky. Lee accepted, sticking his hand down in a somewhat sticky bag and pulling out what he thought was a piece of Jerky with some seasoning sauce on it. Lee commence to start eating it and commenting on how good it was when Cameron let it be known that it was Dog Treat Jerky. We all busted out laughing soooo hard. It was real funny to see the look on Lee's face. He really was a good sport about it.
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