360 degree view from the top of Table Rock Pictures and Stories from 2004 Wilson Creek Gorge, NC. Friday Jan 16, 2004 3:00am What ever you would like to call it you can. We call it the Annual
Manly Man Winter Camping Trip. The Elders came up a day early for the
Elder evening of fellowship, the elder meeting and elder dinner. One of our
own Bill Abel Jr. did not make it so
1. After this year, NO new people for the next two years. 2. Chris Ritter is no longer a Jr. Elder. We have not heard from him for over two years. 3. If you want to find out something about the winter camping trip you are going to have to come to the AMMWCT web pages. No mass e-mail next year. 4. We will have a new place to camp next year. Later in the evening I pulled out an old Stoner Hour Tape and really surprised Ray. When he heard the words "My name is Captain Puff and I am about to take my first drink of the evening" he though he was hearing things. If you are interesting in learning more about this game please send me an e-mail. At some point in the evening I suggested to various people that they should move there car out of the campsite. As the step-child that I am, I was just brushed off. This will be important for the tale that is told later.
As I am laying here between two tents of great snorers I feel that Bubba is reigning king of snore. In the still of the night with no sound except the sound of the creek, Bubba is heard over all. Saturday Jan 17 12:30am Well, I learned this morning when I woke up that the mack-daddy snorer
was Corry. I don't know how the rest of them could
And know the final tale for the night. Remember my suggestion from
Thursday night about moving the cars out of the campsite. Well, we had a
visit from the local Park Ranger. This guy appears at the main
campfire and first catches someone with a beer that should not have a beer.
One thing leads to another and we have multiply tickets for this one guy.
Then, he request the license from the owner of every vehicle that is parked in
the camp. He proceeds to write each one two tickets, one for parking in
the campsite and a second one for the destruction of vegetation. The total
$100 per ticket for a total of $200 to each person. It was not pretty.
Arlie, Roman, Cameron, Clark, Ronnie, Philip, Morris and Tim Hollar all got a
ticket. To some degree this put a damper on the evening. Later we
will find out what some of the repercussion are for some of our campers.
As seen through the eyes of other happy campers Saturday morning about 9:30am
Good Morning, Harold here. Last
nights incident with the ranger just fueled the notion of "We need to drink
ourselves into a deep stupor." Well, needless to say there are a few happy
campers that are a little more hung-over this morning or sick or both. Ray
has ruined the site. Ray is hurtin right about now.
Way back when you used to camp beside Wilson Creek he had a rock that he named spewing rock. We now have one named at the Dead-End road called Spewing Log. Jay Royster When I got up this morning and Raymond came dragging himself out to the fire I have not laughed so hard in a long time. He has given up drinking for a long time. He was reminding himself as to one of the reasons that he had stopped drinking. It was so funny, he got a couple of old Army wool blankets, went up into the woods and laid down. Using a log as a pillow it was quite a funny site.
And know lets take a moment and hear from Raymond himself after having 6 to 8
hours to recover. What a campout. Saturday night is not yet here and I
have the first hangover that I have had in eight years, $200 in parking fees and
Richard has $350 in "Miscellaneous Expenses". It was great having a night
just for the Elders. Almost
Back to Jim to sum up the weekend Well on Saturday night we had a group meeting
with everybody in attendance. We had 33 guys that showed up for this years
Until next year, I pray that God will shine his glory upon your life.
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