Pictures and Stories from
Our Second Trip
Doughton Park NC.
Since we did not get to make it to the Cabin 4 miles up the trail we made a
second attempt at it later in the year. On this trip I took what I believe
are some first time campers. We had Harold Yount attempting to
redeem himself from his last visit here, Mike Campbell, Robert Mitchell, Mark
Pemperton, Cory Fox, Wahoo, Mike Hartness, Sandor (Bubba) McSwaim, Bill Abel and
this was my dog Max first camping trip.
It is quite funny around the campfire. It almost sounds like Blazing
Saddles, if you know what I mean. Just remember that Harold is around.
Mike was in bed at 10:05pm. Sounds a lot like Lee Head.
Most of the guys came up on Friday night. While up here they
experienced one heck of a rain storm on Friday night. I drove
about 7:00am. I stopped along the way and got a picture of this barn after
the storm just had broken apart. It is a beautiful picture.
When I got up here, I found that they had to make a second trip back to
the cars to get the Dutch ovens.
I was to cook for everyone on Saturday night. We had my famous Bar-B-Q
Chicken in a Carolina Treat Sauce, along with a Broccoli Casserole and Peach
Cobbler, all cooked in Dutch ovens. You can see a very young looking Bubba
and Cory.
Along the trail we came across a swing that everyone had a lot of fun on.

had lunch at the Cabin.

Later I went up to the top of the mountain and I got a picture looking down
at the cabin. This gives you a good idea as to were we were.

Also from the top you can get a view of the area that we covered to
get to this place. Way off in the far distant valley is were we hiked

Back at camp

You can tell this was a long time ago from the look of the tent.
A picture of Wahoo.

This is a young Bill Abel. He stayed up on Saturday night
after everyone went to bed so that he could tell of the story of a great Indian
Chief. Some Chief with a name that is part of the male anatomy.